The Nano RFID is a compact RFID reader that supports unique tags and the Modbus TCP, HTTP Client, HTTP Server and SNMPv2c protocols. With its LAN integration, it is ideal for access control and automation systems. Its compact size and versatility make it a reliable choice for modern RFID applications.
Nano RFID is a miniature module used to read RFID transponders in the UNIQUE standard. It has been designed for integration with any client software. Communication with the module uses the LAN network.
SNMP protocol allows to download the read out tag ID. The module allows sending TRAP messages after the correct reading of the RFID tag.
In this mode, an external host connects to the module and manages it through the HTTP protocol. The manager host must periodically read the status.xml resource in Nano-RFID module and depending on the state read from xml file call the appropriate functions. After approaching the tag to the field of reading, in the status.xml resource will be completed the appropriate fields and the module locks the ability to read until calling the releaseid function causing transition module to a state of waiting for next tag approching.
Through appropriate functions the LED indicating reading the card can be light, a beep can be generate, etc. The disadvantage of this method is the need to the cyclic reading of status.xml resource .
In this mode, after the correct reading of the RFID tag, module automatically connects to the server and sends the readout data to the appropriate server resource (by HTTP GET). As the answers can be retrieved information about the state of the LED or buzzer. The advantage of this mode is that immediately after reading the card, the device itself sends the code to the server or controlling application.
An example might be to record to the mysql database or to the file on server the readout RFID tag the MAC number of the reader and the readout time.
The power supply is not included!
To power the device we recommend: PoE Power Supply 12V or Switching Power Supply 12V
Data sheet
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