Nano TC Sensor PoE monitors temperature using a thermocouple and transmits data over LAN. It supports HTTP GET, Modbus TCP, SNMP, and MQTT protocols, as well as Modbus RTU via the RS485 port, offering flexible communication options. The device can also send notifications when specific values are exceeded to other Inveo modules, allowing for remote control of devices.
The Nano TC Sensor PoE device performs the function of transmitting temperature measurements, which are taken using a thermocouple, via a LAN. The received measurement results are easily accessible via the built-in web page and via various protocols such as HTTP GET, Modbus TCP, SNMP and MQTT. An additional RS485 port allows communication using the Modbus RTU protocol. In addition, the device has the ability to send notifications when certain values are exceeded to other Inveo modules, which can result, for example, in the remote activation of a relay.
A small thermocouple signal converter to engineering units. The reference temperature is determined by the value read from the PT1000 / PT100 sensor or from a user-defined fixed value. The device has dedicated PCB with a built-in RTD sensor and connector to connecting the cold junction.
Data sheet
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